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Blot the canal dry with a large paper point, leaving the dentin visibly moist.

Bloom in the summer sun and the winter snow. 在夏日阳光和冬日白雪中开着花.
Bloom the spirit. Balance hormone. Eliminate anxiety. 醒神,焕发青春气息,平衡荷尔蒙,消除焦虑。
Bloomberg: Bird flu killed a 37-year-old woman in Indonesia and may have infected hundreds of poultry in Japan as the lethal virus resurfaces across Asia. 彭博新闻:印度尼西亚一名37岁的妇女因感染禽流感致死,今已怀疑日本有数百家禽受到感染,表明这种致命病毒可能再度袭击亚洲。
Bloomers is a word which has been applied to several types of divided women's garments for the lower body at various times. 灯笼裤在英语里是一个用来描述几种不同的女性*衣着的词语。
Bloomsbury, her British publisher, said it would publish a children's hardback edition, an adult hardback, a special gift edition and an audio book on the same day. 负责发行罗琳作品的英国布鲁姆斯巴里出版公司表示,公司将在发售日当天推出儿童和成人精装版,特惠礼品版以及有声读物等版本。
Blot the canal dry with a large paper point, leaving the dentin visibly moist. 使用大量的纸尖吸干根管,但保持牙本质粘结所需的明显湿润。
Blot the canal dry with a paper point; repeat with a new paper point until the paper point returns dry from the canal. 使用纸尖吸干根管,反复用新的纸尖,直至纸尖从根管拿出时完全的干燥。
Blotchy interveinal yellow-green mottling and marginal yellowing of expanded leaflets; irregular brown necrotic patches; wavy margins and down-curved leaf tips. 矮生菜豆缺锌:带泡的脉间形成黄绿色斑纹,展开的小叶边缘黄化及不规则的褐色坏死斑点,波浪形边缘,叶尖向下卷曲.
Blotchy irregular interveinal fading and orange-yellow chlorosis of older leaves, margins culed and sometimes scorched; younger leaves remaining green. 甜菜锰中毒:带有不规则斑点的叶脉间褪色,老叶变为桔黄色,边缘卷曲,有时枯萎,幼叶保持绿色。
Blow a little lit sage into each of the four corners of the room with the intent to open sacred space. 带著打开神圣空间的意想,将点亮的光明吹向房间的四个角落。
Blow air from your diaphragm out through your lips. 从胸膈膜处发气吹向唇部。

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