I will be no more a senior high school student come next July .
当明年七月来到时,我就不再是高中生了。 |
I will be no more a senior high school student come next July.
当明年七月来到时,我就不再是高中生了。 |
I will be on leave tomorrow.
我明天休假不上班。 |
I will be out of quarantine after five days.
我五天后解除检疫隔离。 |
I will be personally liable to pay Bevilles Pty Ltd the amount of sales tax payable in respect of these goods.
我本人应支付给伯维尔斯股份公司购买上述物品的销售税税款。 |
I will be proud because I live in a great era soldiers Hecktor living in the eternal God of War era ACHILLES.
我会自豪,因为我生活在伟大战士赫克托尔的时代,生活在永恒战神阿基里斯的时代。 |
I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me,' says the Lord Almighty.
我必速速作见证,警戒行邪术的、犯奸淫的、起假11誓的、亏负人之工价的、欺压寡妇孤儿的、屈枉寄居的和不敬畏我的。 |
I will be receiving my Bachelor of Arts degree in English this June from Beijing Normal University.
今年六月我将从北京师范大学英语系毕业,并将获得文学学士学位。 |
I will be recommending her to see this movie while we go window-shopping next time.
下次我们去逛街时,我将建议她去看这部片。 |
I will be relieved that the passengers go long with me remember and miss me when I get off.
我下车后,和我同行的旅客都还能记得我,想念我,我将感到快慰。 |
I will be relying on traditions to pull us through this intact.
我会依靠传统来度过这个难关。 |