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I'm afraid that in the real world, I'm not so good, so kind, so romantic, beautiful and so otherworldly.

I'm afraid that I've broken your pen. 真抱歉我把你的钢笔弄坏了。
I'm afraid that bad weather will pat the kibosh on our holiday plan. 我怕糟糕的天气会毁了我们的度假计划。
I'm afraid that he can't,Mr. Croft. 恐怕不能,克罗夫特先生。
I'm afraid that he will get into the habit of drinking or smoking. 恐怕他会养成酗酒或抽烟的习惯.
I'm afraid that her parents will not consent to her marriage. 我担心她的父母不会恩准她的婚事。
I'm afraid that in the real world, I'm not so good, so kind, so romantic, beautiful and so otherworldly. 我怕现实中的我没有那么好,那么乖,那么浪漫,那么美,那么不食人间烟火。
I'm afraid that is can't come true. 我恐怕这事不会成的。
I'm afraid that it can't be success. 我恐怕这事不会成的。
I'm afraid that it's impossible . 我恐怕这事不会成的。
I'm afraid that my customary grumbling is fueled more by inconvenience than by adversity. 恐怕我习惯性地发牢骚多半是因为遇到麻烦,而不是灾祸。
I'm afraid that my views on their private life are unprintable! 我自忖我对他们私生活的看法不印出也罢!

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