What is the main idea of the passage?
本段的中心思想是什么?) |
What is the main purpose to have a ceramic filter?
陶瓷滤波器的用途是什么? |
What is the main task of the bombardment aviation?
轰炸航空兵的主要任务是什么呢? |
What is the major in your university?
1你在大学学的是什么专业。 |
What is the man's first duty? The answer is brief: to be himself.
人的第一本分是什么?回答很简单:做他自己. |
What is the man's first duty?The answer is brief:to be himself.
一个人的首要职责是什么?答案很简单:做自己。 |
What is the mass line in Party work?
什么是党的工作中的群众路线呢? |
What is the material made of?
是用什麽质料做的? |
What is the material of the box?
这个箱子是什么材料做的? |
What is the matter now? is she suffer from abdominal pain or any discharges or bleeding seen from the vagina ?
调度员:现在是什么情况?是肚子痛?是否有阴道流水?流血? |
What is the matter with him?''
有什么事吗?' |