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I will not delay your time.

I will not at home at weekly or next. 我会在这星期或下星期出差。
I will not be dictated to. 我不愿受人摆布。
I will not be late for school. 我上学不会迟到。
I will not be put upon. 我可不愿吃亏。
I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion. 12论到鳄鱼的肢体和其大力,并美好的骨骼,我不能缄默不言。
I will not delay your time. 我不耽误你时间了。
I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done. 17我必不至死、仍要存活、并要传扬耶和华的作为。
I will not die, but live, And tell of the works of the Lord. 诗118:17我必不至死、仍要存活、并要传扬耶和华的作为。
I will not disturb you any more. 我不耽误你时间了。
I will not dwell on, nor mourn over, our untimely decay, nor reproach my paleface brothers with hastening it as we too may have been somewhat to blame. 我不想细述或哀悼我们不合时宜的衰败;我也不想斥责那些加速了我们衰败过程的白脸兄弟,因爲我们对此可能也有责任。
I will not employ devious schemes that involve the hero's party getting into my inner sanctum before the trap is sprung. 我不会采用在陷阱发动前,将英雄队伍诱入我最高指挥中心的邪恶计划.

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