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Skiing isn't really my cup of tea.

Skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow. 滑雪者有时被雪反射的阳光照得头晕目眩
Skiing enthusiasts hit the slopes. 滑雪运动爱好者出现在山上斜坡。
Skiing in summer? In China? Yes! Come to Changbai Mountain in North Eastern Jilin Province for 2 days of summer skiing in a stunning white backdrop. 夏季的中国真能滑雪吗?!没错!快来参加吉林省长白山的夏季滑雪赛吧,冰天雪地中长达2天的精彩赛事足以震撼你松懈的神经!
Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比溜冰更刺激。
Skiing is such a challenging sport! 滑雪是非常有挑战性的运动!
Skiing isn't really my cup of tea. 滑雪不算是我的嗜好.
Skiing there is great fun. 在那儿滑雪有趣极了。
Skiing was brought to Japan in 1911 when the imperial general staff asked the Austrian Army for help training ski troops. 滑雪是在1911年被带到日本的,当时的日本天皇部队的补给人员请求澳大利亚军队帮助训练雪橇连。
Skiing, skating, and various kinds of sledding are available in almost all the northern states during the winter months. 在冬季,北部各州向人们提供各种各样的雪上活动,有滑冰、滑雪和各类雪撬运动。
Skilful men, of the medical and chirurgical profession, were of rare occurrence in the colony. 当时在殖民地,精通内外科医术的人尚不多见。
Skill 10: Use Noun Clause Connectors/Subjects Correctly. 正确使用同时当成名词子句的联结词/主词.

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