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Are you desperate to find something more?

Are you crazy? The bag are mine now, it is my bag. 男1:你有病呀,现在这个包是我的拉,是我的命根子。
Are you crazy?There's no way I'm going out with her. She's ugly and she smells. 你一定是疯了吧,我可不跟她出去约会,她不好看,而且她身上有一股怪味。
Are you currently taking any medication? 近来您服用过药物吗?
Are you dating any one now??? if not , why not? 你现在有跟谁约会吗?如果没有,为什么不呢?
Are you dating right now? 你目前在约会吗?
Are you desperate to find something more? 你对于发现更多的事情已经感到沮丧了吗?
Are you disguising a trait, or have you buried an event from your past? 你正在掩饰某个特征,还是试图埋葬过去?
Are you distressed when you are looking into the unknown? 面对未知的处境,你是否会感到烦恼?
Are you distributing your application as Open Source under the GPL (free or for money, doesn't matter)? 你是否把你的应用软件在GPL许可下作为开源(是否免费无所谓)分发了?
Are you doing anything tonight? 你今晚有安排吗?
Are you doing anything with it? 你使用它了吗?

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