In real life,the most practical advice fou leaders is not to treat pawns like pawns,nor princes lije princes,but all persons like persons. |
中文意思: 在现实的生活中,对大多数领导者最实用的忠告便是:公正无私,对所属成员,不分亲疏贵贱,一视同仁。 |
In real life, an invisibility cloak could soon emerge from the “magic” of science.
波特》系列电影中的、身怀魔力的小男孩,身披斗篷的隐身术。 |
In real life, it's not so easy to divide people into goodies and baddies.
在现实生活中, 要划分好人和坏人并非易事. |
In real life, people are worried about creating trouble and so tend to be rather unresponsive to political problems.
在现实生活中,人们因为担心惹麻烦对政治性话题很冷感。 |
In real life, this is a phenomena that occurs when sunlight travels through a medium with a different index of refraction in certain cuts and angles.
在真实世界中,这是一种当阳光以一定角度穿过具有不同折射率的媒质时所发生的现象。 |
In real life, “ever-victorious generals” are few and far between in history.
在实际生活中,“常胜将军”历来不多。 |
In real life,the most practical advice fou leaders is not to treat pawns like pawns,nor princes lije princes,but all persons like persons.
在现实的生活中,对大多数领导者最实用的忠告便是:公正无私,对所属成员,不分亲疏贵贱,一视同仁。 |
In realities, public interest should not have absolute priority to civil rights so it is necessary to establish policy negotiation, dialogue and remedial system.
现实中的公共利益对于公养基本权利不应具有绝对的“宰制权”,故而政策协商、对话和补救机制的建立理应成为题中之义。 |
In reality , the boys are working very hard .
其实,孩子们正在努力工作。 |
In reality it is all very simple and obvious.
其实事情是非常简单明了的。 |
In reality killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which time kills us.
实际上,消磨时间只是时间用以消磨我们的五花八门的又一种办法而已. |
In reality or in truth; actually.
实际上,确实情况;事实上 |