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In the process of creating both the choreography and the music, the artists worked in parallel with tradition, while still maintaining their freedom.

In the process of clearing buildings, Iraqi National Guardsmen reportedly arrested 25 insurgents inside a mosque in Samarra. 据报道,在清理建筑物的过程中,伊拉克国民自卫军在萨迈拉的一个清真寺里逮捕了二十五名反叛分子。
In the process of clinical nursing teaching, At present, On student,According to the condition that the chance cuts down of the nursing Exercise,We analyse cause From that the student oneself, the Guide a teacher, the Patient and Have found out the corres 根据目前临床护理教学过程中,护生护理技术操作机会减少的情况,从护生自身、带教老师、患者等方面分析其原因,并找出相应的对策,增加护生的操作机会,取得较好的效果。
In the process of computation a method based on mass conservation and a special iteration procedure are applied to accelerate the convergence speed and minimize the error of water balance. 在数值计算过程中,采用了质量守恒和特殊的迭代求解格式以加快计算收敛速度和减少水量平衡误差。
In the process of constructing harmonious socialist society in China, formulating scientific criminal policy is the basis of maintaining public order. 摘要中国在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,对刑事政策进行科学定位是保障社会主义和谐社会稳定有序的基础。
In the process of constructing the nation-state system of the Soviet Union, the ideology of national construction by Lenin had been implemented through the concrete practice of the definition of Nation by Stalin. 在构建苏联民族国家体系的过程中,列宁提出的建国思想通过斯大林民族定义的具体实践付诸实施。
In the process of creating both the choreography and the music, the artists worked in parallel with tradition, while still maintaining their freedom. 在舞蹈和音乐的创作过程中,艺术家并没有违背传统,也同时保留了他们创作的自由。
In the process of decision with risks, if we using sampling theory, the best decision in prior probability and modified posteriori probability can be obtained. 在进行风险型决策过程中,若能结合抽样理论,就可以以最低的代价找到先验概率下及修正后的后验概率下选择最优决策方案。
In the process of decompose kiln in cement production line, association rules are mined between controlled objects. 以水泥生产线中分解炉控制为例,采用现场实时采集的数据集,挖掘出了相关控制对象之间的关联关系。
In the process of design or choosing topics, students should be guided to study and criticize realistic problems in sight of sustainable development and propose the solutions for problems by mechanism of sustainable development. 设计课的选题和设计过程,应引导学生用可持续发展的眼光来研究和批判现实问题,并用可持续发展的原理来提出解决问题的方法。
In the process of developing wealth management platform, Paragon Investment Manager Inc will conduct extensive research to provide the most professional, international and advanced services, to help investors to manage their wealth and construct their por 普罗投顾团队秉持专业商品研究的扎实根基,以资产稳定增值为主轴,有效导入财务分析决策因子,辅以吻合投资人属性、贴近投资人需求为导向,进而开发出创新、精准的另类投资理财商品。
In the process of doing the work, the artist apply a lots of burn and bend skill, the surface of the art piece present the appearance of the scene of painting, though the treatment of it's surface create a mystery image of fuzzy. 在面对创作的过程上,应用了许多烤弯融合,粉烧等技巧,并结合绘画手法呈现在作品中,并通过表面肌理、触感与喷沙处理,进而呈现出一种模糊又迷离的影像空间。

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