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Alas, what a ruin has befallen thee!said Hester, with the tears, gushing into her eyes. Wilt thou die for very weakness? There is no other cause!

Ahh, mademoiselle. You are like a weeping girl adrift in a sea of blood. The epitome of the human way of life! 「小姐啊,你就像一个漂泊在血海中哭泣的女孩,人类生存方式的缩影!」
Ahhh! your souls are fume in the Hell Forge! “啊....!你的灵魂就是地狱熔炉的燃料啊!”
Ahhh, you won because of LAG... Ohh wait a second, we're at the arcade!. 啊,你赢了因为你……哦,等一下,我们在打币呢(装作接电话?)
Ain't worth a bean,she said. “你连豆子都不如,”她说。
Airline crew members love the functionality and versatility of the interior,Wicks said. Passengers love the space, light, security and comfort. “航空公司机组人员喜欢机舱内功能齐全”,Wicks说:“旅客则更看好其空间布置、采光以及安全和舒适。
Alas, what a ruin has befallen thee!said Hester, with the tears, gushing into her eyes. Wilt thou die for very weakness? There is no other cause! “天啊!你已经给毁成什么样子啦!”海丝特说着,泪水涌进了她的眼睛。“你难道就因为软弱而要死吗?此外再没有别的原因了!”
Alas,cries the cage bird, I should not know where to sit perched in the sky. 可怜呵,笼中的鸟说,在天空中我不晓得到哪里去牺息。
Alcohol must not be used as an inducement to encourage people to gamble,added the Commission. 赌博业委员同时表示:赌场不得用酒精吸引顾客赌博。
Alcohol productsrefers to beverages having an alcohol content in excess of 0.5 percent by volume, or un-denatured ethyl alcohol and other ethyl products which can be used for manufacturing or preparing the aforesaid beverages. 三酒︰指含酒精成分以容量计算超过百分之零点五之饮料、其他可供制造或调制上项饮料之未变性酒精及其他制品。
Alcoholism in Senor Maradona or in any other patient is not something to be taken lightly. “酒精中毒对于马拉多钠先生或是任何一个病人来讲都不是一件小事,必须有人来帮助他。”
Alienationof the humanities concern with three agriculture about the poor people economics in China is that private rights and public rights game in benefits which agricultural land and the village economy make decision. 摘要“穷人经济学”对三农的人文关怀在我国的“异化”,实为公产公权与私产私权在农地和农村经济决策上的利益博弈。

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