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The most distinguishing feature of the Korean food is the spiciness.

The most difficult, because as the plot is essentially predetermined, the writer needs skill to keep the momentum going, conjuring up original, complex characters and vivid scene-setting. 说它最困难,是因为故事的情节实际上已经预先设定好了,作家需要使用技巧来让故事向前推进,还要构思出原创的拥有复杂个性的角色与逼真的场景。
The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war. 最糟糕的和平也好过最合理的战争。
The most discouraging thing is to be misunderstood by others. 最丧气的事是被人误解。
The most disquieting thing about the scofflaw spirit is its extreme infectiousness. Only a terminally foolish society would sit still and allow it to spread indefinitely . 最使人不得安宁的是,藐视法规这种思想行为具有高度传染性。只有一个愚蠢到极点的社会才会坐视不理和纵容这种思想不断蔓延。
The most distinguished feature of Atkins is to seek renowned stores as its partner in operation. 它在经营中最大的特点就是寻找高知名度的店家作为合作伙伴。
The most distinguishing feature of the Korean food is the spiciness. 韩国食物最显著的特点就是味道辛辣。
The most disturbing of the Geomancer's power, however, is his ability to separate his being into multiple selves, each as powerful as the original and making him potentially four times the trouble for the unlucky who encounter him. 然而土占师最扰人的能力是他能将自身的存在分离产生多个另体,每个另体的能力都与本体不相上下,让他成为惹上他的倒楣鬼的四倍大的大麻烦。
The most dramatic drops in both cases and deaths began in 1996, with the widespread use of combination antiretroviral therapy. 最明显的下降是从1996年开始,因为广泛使用了组合的抗病毒药治疗的缘故。
The most effective product was MPS ointment with an inhibition of 69%.The effects of heparin ointments varied widely. 最有效的产品是多磺酸粘多糖软膏,其抑制率为69%。
The most effective remedy is to cure your mind first, otherwise your sufferings will never end. 最有效的治疗是先医好你的心,否则你的病苦将永无休止。
The most effective treatment for muscle cramps is to gently stretch the cramped muscle. 应付抽筋的最有效方法就是轻柔缓和地去伸展肌肉抽筋的部位。

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