He died in a shipwreck off the south coast.
他在南部海岸一带的海难中死亡. |
He died in his sleep in September 1881.
1881年9月,他在睡梦中死去。 |
He died in the battle of Waterloo.
他死于滑铁卢战役。 |
He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle.
他在一次激战中奋战而死。 |
He died like a soldier and we must bury him as a soldier.
他死得像一名战士(实际上并不是),我们必须把他当作(英勇牺牲的)战士来安葬。 |
He died lonely without issues surrounding him.
他孤独的死去没有子孙陪在身边。 |
He died of a stroke, same as Grandma.
他死于中风,跟奶奶一样。 |
He died of cancer, leaving his son an orphan of ten.
他死于癌症,留下一个10岁的儿子成了孤儿。 |
He died of dropsy, cholera and jaundice, complicated by pneumonia. This last lie caught driving home in an open carriage from a visit on behalf of the unworthy Karl.
他死于浮肿、霍乱和因肺炎并发而加剧的黄疽病——他是为了那个不成器的卡尔出外找人,在乘敞篷车回家的途中着了凉才得上肺炎的。 |
He died of heart attack.
他死于心脏病。 |
He died of hunger and thirst.
他死于饥饿和口渴。 |