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The counselor bilked his clients out of$2 million.

The council's answer to the population expansion is to build high block of flats, but that's where the plan falls down . 会议对人口膨胀问题的答复是建高层建筑,但这正是计划的失败之处。
The council's failure to act is a scandal. 市议会未能采取行动是一件丑闻.
The council's investigators had to glean this from refugees in Chad and elsewhere, as they were denied visas to visit Sudan. 但是联合国的调查行动最终还是把血淋淋的真相翻了出来:该事件中至少有二十万人死亡,许多人认为应该是此数目的两倍。
The councillor is tremendously built up to be the Protector of Freedomby the press, which is a bit of an exaggeration. 该议员被新闻界大事吹捧为「自由捍卫者」,是有点言过其实了。
The counsel doubted the truth of what the witness said. 律师对证人的话的真实性提出了怀疑。
The counselor bilked his clients out of$2 million. 那位顾问从他的顾客那里骗取了200万美元。
The counselor bounced up to denounce discount. 顾问上升蹦跳指责折扣。
The counselors swept the dormitory during the fire drill. 在火灾演练期间辅导员彻底搜查了宿舍。
The count is three and two with two away in the ninth. 在第九局球数是两好三坏球,有两人出局。
The count() function counts the elements of an array, or the properties of an object. 函数的作用是:计算数组中的元素数目或对象中的属性个数。
The count_chars() function returns how many times an ASCII character occurs within a string and returns the information. 函数的作用是:返回字符串所使用字符的信息的次数。

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