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There"s a shuttle bus we can use.

Theres no reason to feel discouraged. 没有理由感到气馁。
Theres one other alternative-one that takes both skilled and courage: Forgoing any cradling action, grasp the cone more firmly between thumb and forefinger and extend the other fingers so that they are out of the way of the dripping from the bottom, then 还有另一种选择,但那既需要技巧也需要勇气,即:在进行任何补救措施之前,以拇指和食指牢牢夹住蛋筒,并翘起其他手指以免粘上蛋筒底端的冰漠淋,然后上身倾度由25度变为35度,再吃蛋筒,随它在你跟前漏洒到地上!
Theres plenty of the green stuff in the city centre, with a couple of large parks and gardens in which to doze or ramble. 在市中心,有许许多多的绿色植物,有两个大的公园,在那儿你可以打瞌睡或者随意漫步。
Theres some meat but theres no dumpling. 有一些肉但是没有饺子。
There&aposs always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. 这个世界永远也会有一些伤害你的人,你要做的就是继续去信人和小心你下次信的人。
There"s a shuttle bus we can use. 我们可搭乘机场班车。
There''s so much to think about. 要考虑的事情可真多!
There'S a dog under the tree. 树下有一只狗。
There'd be a drawing next week. 下周有个抽奖。
There'll always be a need for wonder, there'll always be people who long for a different kind of life, for the view from other sorts of eyes, for a chance to see what's over the hill, or off in another world. 有一种人永远不会根绝:他们渴盼另外一种全然不同的生活,期望看见另一种眼睛所见的世界,他们希望看到山那边的景象,或者,世界尽头更远处,天边外。
There'll be a fire-drill this morning. 今天上午有消防演习.

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