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One day, I went to my grandmother's home.When I arrived there, I found that I was not tall enough to press the door bell.A man passed nearby helped me to press it.

One day, Emperor Han Xiandi summons his minister Kong Rong and asks him: There are many people plotting to revolt in various regions.Our imperial court's military force is very weak.What do you recommend me to do? 一天,汉献帝召见大臣孔融问道:“现在地方上很多人图谋造反,朝廷目前兵力很弱,该怎样应对呢?”
One day, Forrest runs into Lt. Dan, who is now physically disabled, combined to a wheel-chair. (一天,福勒斯特偶然遇上了丹?泰勒中尉。丹中尉现在已经残废了,坐在一张轮椅里。)
One day, Hong Hong became ill. 这一天,红红病了。
One day, I decided to tender my resignation, divorce my wife and disown my son. 有一天,我决定辞了工作,甩了妻子,弃了孩子。
One day, I saw a goshawk spiraling in the sky above, I looked at hares and chickens came out from time to time in brushwood under the hill, suddenly I felt bleak never felt before, will my youth run out little by little in this kind of condition? 那天看着不断在头上盘旋着的苍鹰、看着山下草丛中时尔闪现的野兔和山鸡,突然感到一种从未有过的凄凉,我的青春年华难道就在这样的生活中一点点的流逝吗?
One day, I went to my grandmother's home.When I arrived there, I found that I was not tall enough to press the door bell.A man passed nearby helped me to press it. 有一天,我去外婆家,在沿途,我看见一个伯伯,在伯伯前面有条香蕉皮,我立即跳到伯伯面前,告诉他前面有条香蕉皮。
One day, I went to the downtown area just to find very few handsome faces. 一天我去了市中心,确实没有看到什么帅哥。
One day, Kathleen looked down at Mark's shoes and realized that his toes were beginning to stick out of the ends. 一天,凯萨琳低头看著马克脚上的鞋,知道他的脚指头露出来了。
One day, Lang finally returns home from the States and is astounded to find Ye living in his own apartment. 从美而归的卓,惊异的发现叶繁竟然成了这里的主人。
One day, Lian Po in his carriage meets Lin Xiangru also in a carriage on the street. Driver, pull the carriage by the roadside to give way to the general! 这一天,廉颇的马车在街上与蔺相如的马车相遇。车夫,把马车停在巷边,给老将军让路。
One day, Mike wants to go to Xidan and a warmhearted Beijing girl is telling him the way. 一天,麦克要去西单,一位热心的北京姑娘正在给他指路。

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