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Function of tristetraprolin in angiogenesis in vitro

Cloning of 3D of Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus Strain AF72 and Its Expression in Escherichia coli 口蹄疫病毒AF72株3D聚合酶基因的克隆及其在大肠杆菌中的表达
Study on the Serotyping and Resistance to erythromycin of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Wuhan 武汉地区肺炎链球菌的红霉素耐药性分析及血清分型研究
Research Status of Common Invasive Fungal Vaccine 常见侵袭性真菌疫苗的研究现状
Two new species of Clematis(Ranunculaceae) from Sichuan 四川铁线莲属二新种
Quick Identification of Anti-MRSA Secondary Metabolites Produced by Two Streptomyces Strains Isolated from Special Surroundings 两株特境链霉菌产抗MRSA次级代谢产物结构类型的快速鉴定
Function of tristetraprolin in angiogenesis in vitro Tristetraprolin对体外血管生成的作用
Preliminary Research on Genus Mouse-eared-bat(Myotis)in Mianyang 绵阳鼠耳蝠的初步研究
Studies on Species Diversity of Amoebae and Flagellates in Gahai Wetland of Gansu Province in Winter 甘肃尕海湿地冬季肉鞭虫物种多样性研究
Effects of Age on Nest-building of Mus musculus 年龄对小家鼠筑巢的影响
All-male unit’s spatial structure and its function of a moving troop in Rhinopithecus bieti 滇金丝猴群中全雄单元在移动时的空间结构与功能
Effect of Different Temperatures on Formica japonica 不同温度对养殖日本黑褐蚁的影响

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