Dumbledore and Harry proceed to his office to see Sirius and tell him what has happened.
然后邓不利多和哈利去他的办公室,把发生的事情告诉小天狼星。 |
Dumbledore apparently spent the time arranging for Harry's safe keeping in Privet Drive, but even [url=http://www.hp-lexicon.org/wizards/mcgonagall.html]McGonagall[/url] didn't know what was going on.
邓布利多显然利用这段时间来安排哈利在女贞路的安全问题,但是甚至是麦格也不知道该做什么。 |
Dumbledore consults his magical watch: “It had twelve hands but no numbers; instead, little planets were moving around the edge” (SS1).
邓不利多看了一下他的魔法表:“它有十二根指针却没有数字,还有一些小星沿着表盘边缘转动”(魔法石,第1章)。 |
Dumbledore could have (and probably had) known the house itself — it's just that if he visited the house while the Potters were still alive, he couldn't have seen them at all (unless he was told by Peter, of course).
邓布利多可能(而且很可能)已经知道房子本身——仅仅是如果在波特夫妇还活着的时候,他拜访了房子,他根本无法见到他们(当然,除非彼得告诉了他)。 |
Dumbledore could have sent Hagrid to do pick up Harry and retrieve the Stone from the Gringotts vault at separate times.
邓布利多本来可以在不同的时间派海格去接哈利和从古灵阁的金库取回魔法石。 |
Dumbledore does not want Draco to become a killer.
邓不利多不想马尔福变成一个杀人凶手。 |
Dumbledore drew an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire to keep away anyone who was not yet seventeen years old.
划在地上的一条金色的细线,以防止那些过于年轻的人想要转越它(假设,这条年龄界限也可以起到防止超过年龄界限的人穿越的作用。) |
Dumbledore has helped Harry stand and hands him over to Moody before seeking out the Diggorys.
邓不利多扶哈利站起来,并在找寻迪戈里的父母之前把他交给穆迪。 |
Dumbledore hired security trolls to guard the Fat Lady after Sirius Black attacked her.
邓不利多曾雇用巨怪保安,来保护被小天狼星·布莱克袭击过的胖夫人。 |
Dumbledore intended, next, to take a Grand Tour with Elphias DogbreathDoge, the dim-witted but devoted sidekick he had picked up at school.
按照原定计划,他本打算毕业后和他在学校时结识的好友,绰号“狗喘”的埃非亚?多戈一起去进行一次伟大的旅行。” |
Dumbledore is probably not the same person as the bartender at the Hog's Head, but his brother Aberforth might be.
邓布利多不可能是猪头酒吧的男招待员,但是他的弟弟阿不福思有可能是。 |