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The males think the females have talent for telling stale tales.

The male-dominated traffic police routinely forgive traffic violations in exchange for bribes. 目前,俄罗斯绝大多数交通警察都为男性,他们往往在收受了贿赂后对违规者网开一面。
The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world. 这种势利的有害影响正迅速扩散到全世界。
The males mature more quickly when they smell that ample females are close by. 当雄性蜘蛛闻到大量雌性红背蜘蛛在周围的时候,它会加速成熟。
The males of many species of insect have similarly elaborate genitalia. 昆虫界许多物种的雄虫也有相似的精致生殖器。
The males of the Siberian Husky breed are masculine but never coarse; the bitches are feminine but without weakness of structure. 雄性肌肉发达,但是轮廓不粗糙;雌性充满女性美,但是不孱弱。
The males think the females have talent for telling stale tales. 男人认为女人有讲陈腐故事的才能。
The malformation of his knee is caused by a fall. 他膝盖的畸形是由摔了一跤造成的。
The malfunction indication information can make you be clear at a glance, and also make you easily and quickly find the reasons why generator stops abnormally. 故障指示信息能使您一目了然,能让您轻松的找到发电机发生非正常停机的原因。
The mall is packed today. 今天商场里的人很多。
The malleable mind of the pragmatist. 实用主义者那适应性很强的思想
The malls' own security guards had to join the entourage, too, because the crowd was simply getting too big. 商场本身的保安人员也加入了维持秩序的行列,因为人群很容易地就变大了。

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