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Actively handling the development of the export, we increase the import rapidly, such as electrolytic copper, scrap metals, ferrous metals and other large quantity of producer goods and so on and so forth.

Actively absorbing horizontal investment by transnational corporations can promote the shift in intra-industry trade between China and developed countries from vertical trade to horizontal trade, and fully utilize the technological spillover effect of tra 积极吸收跨国公司的水平直接投资,可推动我国与发达国家的产业内贸易由垂直型向水平型产业内贸易发展,充分发挥跨国公司的技术外溢效应,从而带动国内相关产业的技术进步与产业升级,提升我国的外贸竞争力。
Actively advocating the new order that is fair and rational. 积极倡导公正、合理的新秩序观。
Actively attend training courses to grasp equipment maintenance management system and operation method of various online monitoring softwares for on-line analysers. 积极参加培训,掌握设备维修管理系统以及各种在线仪监测软件的操作方法。
Actively challenge status quo and always search for better ways and new ideas. 积极挑战现状,并经常寻求更好的方法和新的构思。
Actively develop students' and teachers' English learning plans. 积极规划教师及学生英语学习计画。
Actively handling the development of the export, we increase the import rapidly, such as electrolytic copper, scrap metals, ferrous metals and other large quantity of producer goods and so on and so forth. 出口产品有铜制品、稀土产品、贵稀金属以及机电、五金、化工、轻工等七大类50多个品种,在积极发展出口贸易的同时,进口贸易也迅速增长,如电解铜、废金属、黑色金属和其它大宗生产物资等。
Actively learning from the West but firmly resisting against Europeanization, wholeheartedly cherishing our tradition but determinedly refusing the revival of antiquity, he made up his mind to establish the nationality of modern Chinese poetry on the basi 他既主动地取法西方又坚决地反对“欧化”,既诚挚地珍爱传统又断然地否定复古,决心在中西诗歌艺术相互交流和影响的基础上,建构现代中国诗歌的民族性。
Actively participate feasibilities at different levels for global/regional studies, and provide timely and quality feedback. 积极参加国际/地区性的各个层面的可行性调查,提供及时的高质量的反馈.
Actively promote teamwork spirit emphasizing corrective actions and problem solving. 积极推行团队协作,着重于提高质量及解决问题.
Actively protecting nature and the environment. 主动的保护环境及大自然。
Activists also plan to distribute gay-related information to the public. 行动份子同样的也将对大众散发同志相关的信息.

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