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You should be looking at ways to spoil yourself.

You should be familiar with the page directive already, so the above code should be easy to understand. 您应该已经比较熟悉这页指令了,因此上述代码应该很容易理解。
You should be gentle with children. 你应该对孩子们很斯文。
You should be in a placid mood and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. 你应该心平气和的好好和她谈谈心。
You should be in business for yourself. 应该为自己而工作。
You should be in missionary work. 你应该服传教的事功。
You should be looking at ways to spoil yourself. 需要找一个纵容自己的方式。
You should be maintain 100m over inner marker, if the runway in your sight, you are cleared to land, otherwise pull up and go around. 你必须保持100米飞越近台,如能看见跑道可以降落,否则拉起复飞。
You should be more attentive to your work. 你应该更专注于你的工作。
You should be more careful with your money. 你花钱要慎重一些。
You should be more conscientious about your work. 对于你的工作你应该更加本著良心。
You should be more open-minded - he's not from around here. 你应该心胸宽大些,他不是本地人。

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