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Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Ruth: What%26;rsquo;s gotten into you? 露斯:你的脑子究竟出了什么问题?
Ruth: What's gotten into you? 露斯:你的脑子究竟出了什么问题?
Rutherford Bench China (RBC) is a premium wine company that imports, distributes and retails only the best American wines from California's finest vineyards. 好沃山酒业贸易(上海)有限公司是一家专门进口,批发和零售美国加州精品葡萄酒的贸易公司。
Ruthless in decision, considerate in execution. 决策时,果断无情;执行时,体恤关照。
Ruthless witnesses come forward; they question me on things I know nothing about. 11凶恶的见证人起来,盘问我所不知道的事。
Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. 冷酷是智者的仁慈。
Ruthlessness is what we seek. 冷酷无情是我们的追求。
Ruthlessness plus maintaining the mental intensity of the Barcelona game is the key to not dropping points, as happened in the last Premiership home game, versus Aston Villa. 延续周中对抗巴萨比赛中的激情和冷酷是比赛的关键,不能再像上次坐镇主场打平维拉那样失分了。
Ruth:But you love rock, pop, soul, rap and hip-hop. Why won't you come? 鲁思:但你热爱摇滚、流行、灵魂、饶舌和嬉哈音乐,为什么不去?
Ruth:Great! Let's get up early and check it out ! 鲁思:好极了!我们早点起来去看一看吧!
Ruud took much of the credit for United's eighth Premiership title, but Paul Scholes' contribution cannot be overestimated. 范尼在曼联第八个联赛冠军中做了很多,但是保罗.斯科尔斯的贡献也是怎么说都不过分的。

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