True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise.
真正的幸福不显山露水,它摈弃浮华和喧嚣。 |
True horror was to confront Florence as soon as she arrived at a military hospital in Turkey in 1854.
1854年,南丁格尔抵达土耳其的战地医院,这次她开始面对真正的恐惧。 |
True language enables us to verbalize about what is not there.
真正的语言使我们能够用词语表达尚不存在的东西。 |
True law is law founded upon the truth behind cause and effect or karma along with soul agreements.
真正律法是建立在因果或业力后之真相及灵魂协议上的律法。 |
True liberation is realized through unselfish giving for the benefit of mankind.It is also realized through the challenges of relationships with others.
真正的解脱是在众缘中付出而得,也是在众缘的烦恼中解脱。 |
True line sized check modules reduce fouling due to dirt and debris.
真正的管线止回阀模块,降低由于污垢和碎片污染的可能性。 |
True love is a combination of passion, intimacy and commitmentwhich does not kick in until about 12 months into a relationship.
真爱是“激情、亲昵和承诺的结合体”,而这些真爱成分在一场维持不到12个月的恋爱关系中是得不到的。 |
True love is built on equality.
真爱是基于双方平等的关系。 |
True love is giving not taking.
真正的爱情是给而不是取。 |
True love is giving, not taking.
珍爱是给于,不是索取。 |
True love is giving,not taking.
真挚的爱是给,不是取。 |