How does a new product come about?
一件新的产品是如何产生的呢? |
How does a perm work? Some might say it makes the wearer feel like a trendy young thing. As for the chemistry behind whopping hair, well, you\'d better know the answer if you want to get into two of the world\'s top universities.
烫发如何起作用?面对这一问题,或许有些人会说,这会让烫头发的人显得更年轻时尚。但如果你想进入上述这两所顶尖级学校中学习,那么你最好能知道在一头蓬乱的烫发后面所隐藏的某些化学问题。 |
How does a router decide where the contents of a received frame should be forwarded?
一个路由器如何决定被一般承认的体格内容应该哪里被转寄? |
How does a seat belt law affect auto safety?
安全带法律是怎样影响汽车安全的? |
How does a young pitcher recover from such an episode?
这样的伤痛这位年轻投手如何复原? |
How does an e-business model differ from a business model?
一个电子商务模型如何不同于一个商务模型? |
How does carbon capture work?
捕碳究竟如何进行呢? |
How does chilli taste?
辣椒的味道是怎样的? |
How does communism personally benefit you?
共产主义给你个人带来什么好处? |
How does data recovery work?
如何数据恢复? |
How does decision making in the international arena reflect these cross-country differences?
国际舞台上的决策如何反映了这些跨国差异? |