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Don't know how Rafer and MJ will coexist. I sense him rooting for MJ and snitching on Rafer for sucking.

Don't keep yapping back at me when you don't really know the entire picture. 不知道整个真实情况你就别对我哇啦哇啦叫个不停。
Don't keep your socks on if they get wet. 要是袜子湿了,就不要再穿了。
Don't keep yourself at home,come out and enjoy with us. 别把自己关在家里.出来和我们一起玩玩.
Don't kink up the clothesline. 不要拗到晒衣绳。
Don't knock the nail into the chair. 不要把钉子钉进椅子里去。
Don't know how Rafer and MJ will coexist. I sense him rooting for MJ and snitching on Rafer for sucking. 不知道小阿和假帮主如何共存,作者推测他是给假帮主撑腰暗示小阿水平不够!
Don't know whether you can again see the word of my (hand-writting) text, just as the necessity that I can't make sure whether only for you or not to write this letter. 不知道你能不能再次看到我的文字,就像我无法确定是否有给你写这封信的必要一样。
Don't know who is the celebrity/artiste that was mentioned in the news/related to Fahrenheit? Check them out here! 不知道和飞轮海一同上新闻的艺人是谁吗?在这查查看吧!
Don't lace your shoes in a melon field. 瓜田里不要系鞋带(避嫌疑)。
Don't laugh at him. 不要嘲笑他。
Don't laugh at him.It's no polite. 别嘲笑他,这不礼貌。

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