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Clarinet technic is very basic, and is the same for all styles of music.

Clarification of detailed product requirements in cooperation with customers and product management. 具备简化产品要求细节,协调客户与产品管理的能力。
Clarified juice, generally stored in a closed stainless steel tank, is inoculated with a selected yeast strain. 澄清后的葡萄汁,一般储存在封闭的不锈钢罐中,用选定的酵母菌种进行接种。
Clarify the order of operations with parentheses. 使用括号来明确运算顺序。
Clarifying and modeling this human ability are the task of computational auditory scene analysis and the progress will guide the applications such as blind source separation and speech enhancement. 对人的这种能力的研究及其功能建模,是计算听觉场景分析的任务;它对解决盲源分离及语音增强等工程问题有指导意义。
Clarifying what is required to the supplier for the development of necessary tools in order to manage,plan,check and document the product check also through the process check. 为了对产品的检测以及制造过程的检测进行管理,规划,检查并形成文件记录,澄清对供应商开发必要的工具的要求。
Clarinet technic is very basic, and is the same for all styles of music. 单簧管的技巧是很基本的,而且适用于各种风格的音乐。
Clarissa's new mobile phone is top of the line. It can send e-mail and download high-quality movies! 克莱瑞塔的新手机非常先进,可以传送电子邮件和下载高画质电影呢!
Clarity Incoming: As far as I'm aware swords aren't being considered to be usable with a talent, or as a base trainable weapon type. 有一点可确定,剑类武器不会作为一个可学或者需天赋学习的武器种类被萨满学习.
Clarity around the full costs and net contribution of each program may appear at first glance to be heavily profit-focused. 乍看下来,对每个项目的总体成本和净收入的清晰了解似乎过于注重盈利。
Clarity around the structure and level of their operating costs provides organizations and their leaders with crucial information that they can bring to bear on this challenging decision. 但他们对于任何组织未来绩效都很重要,尤其是希望扩展到新的地区的组织。
Clarity may come with the new year, when a formal budget is due. 随着明年正式预算报告的出炉,事态将日趋明朗。

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