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I would also like to thank you for the support and sponsorship of the pre-conference workshop on copepod systematics and biology, held at the National Museum of Marine Biology &Aquarium (NMMBA) in Kenting.

I would also like to say that I'm a Christian. 我并且会希望说,我是基督徒。
I would also like to say that using a short scientific presentation as a springboard for discussion is a wonderful idea. 其次,你们制作关于讨论题目的幻灯片是个非常好的主意。
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your candidacy in Taiwan's presidential elections next year. 同时,我还想要借此机会恭喜你获得明年台湾总统大选的候选人资格。
I would also like to thank Cynthia, Sophia, Cathy and all the other staff in Qingdao ACE Programme. 我也希望感谢辛西亚、索菲娅、凯茜和所有在青岛ACE计划的其他职员。
I would also like to thank Yuxi Teachers College for hosting the workshop, and in particular BAI Bibo and XU Xianming for their excellent arrangements and important academic contributions, and for providing Chinese translations of two of the papers. 我本人还要感谢玉溪师范学院承办了本次研讨会;同时还要感谢白碧波和许鲜明老师,因为他们为研讨会做了精心安排和重要的奉献,还将两篇英文稿翻译成汉文。
I would also like to thank you for the support and sponsorship of the pre-conference workshop on copepod systematics and biology, held at the National Museum of Marine Biology &Aquarium (NMMBA) in Kenting. 同时我也要对于会前于国立海洋生物博物馆所举办的桡足类生物与系统分类研习会诸位提供大力的支持及帮助致上最大的敬意。
I would also like to thank you. 我也要谢谢你们。
I would also remind the students how important these SEVEN basic sentence structures—albeit simple—are, because they are the basis of producing beautiful English, both in speaking and writing. 一共有7个基本句型结构。看似接单,却是日后写出优雅标准的英文句子的基础。
I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to there upright or original position after the wind had died down. 我也会经常注视那片竹林,由于风的压力,竹子会弯下身子,然后当风力逐渐减小乃至完全停止时,它们便会幽雅地恢复到原来那种竖直状态。
I would appreciate if you could deliver an updated copy of the Made in China magazine as I have a copy of last year's and it proved to be very useful. 如果你能够送给我一本中国制造杂志的更新本我将会非常感谢,因为我有一本去年的,事实证明它很有用。
I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion. 为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。

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