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She''s just about your age.

She ‘d be home any time . The clock said 5:12 . She ‘d pop her lid . 时钟显示是五点十二分。她非炸锅不可。
She ⑤rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds, and the prospects for duck in the winter. 关于打猎、飞鸟的稀少,以及冬天猎鸭的前景,她饶有兴趣地讲个喋喋不休。
Shes always attracted to foreign men. 她总是喜欢外国男人。
Shes an underhand little thing: I never saw a girl of her age with so much cover. 这小东西真狡猾,从来没见过像她这样年纪的小姑娘,有那么多鬼心眼的。”
She' s certainly gone up in my estimation since she told the boss what she thought of him. 她对老板讲了自己对他的看法后,我就更加尊敬她了。
She''s just about your age. 跟你差不多一样年纪.
She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it. 她花起钱来大手大脚了,事情很明显,钱是偷来的。
She'd concocted some unlikely tale about the train being cancelled. 她胡编了一通瞎话, 说什麽那班火车给取消了.
She'd do well in the exams if only her mind was put to her studies. 只要她肯专心学习,就会考出好成绩。
She'd like to finish her plan at any cost. 她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。
She'd like to go there alone. 她想单独去那里。

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