Yet in spite of the over-truth expression, employment of hyperbole does not affect the conversation flow between parties.
尽管“言过其实”,但是夸张手法的运用并不影响交谈双方的交流。 |
Yet in spite of this immense preoccupation with sex, much attention should be drawn to the general moral standards.
因此尽管人们对性的题目津津乐道,我认为应注意整个道德水平。 |
Yet in the 1980s remittances acquired a reputation among social scientists as “easy money” that, like an oil windfall, can rot out an economy.
然而在1980年代,移民的汇款在社会科学家之间素来冠上「得来容易的钱」,如石油横财一般,也可能使经济腐败。 |
Yet in the early 1990s, just before the crisis in Europe's exchange-rate mechanism, it signaled that several currencies, including sterling, were markedly overvalued against the D-mark.
尽管如此,在上个世纪90年代早起,就在欧洲汇率体系危机的前夕,它预报了几种货币的(波动),包括英镑对德国马克的显著高估。 |
Yet in the long term the leftist opponents of China's property law are surely right to be worried about what has been begun this month.
但从长期来看,反对物权法的左翼人士对这个月所要开始的事情所表示的担心是有十足的理由的。 |
Yet in the right circumstances a tacit understanding can endure.
但在适当的环境下还是可以达成一种默契。 |
Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.
犹8..这些作梦的人、也像他们污秽身体、轻慢主治的、毁谤在尊位的。 |
Yet in the sweep of EU history, these are mere teething troubles in a growing-up period.
但是在欧盟历史上,这不过是些在发展壮大过程中碰到的初期困难。 |
Yet in the years since he wrote these words we have witnessed a bizarre and deadly acceleration of the war against nature, the war against the wild and free.
然而,今天我们却目击了一场诡异而致命的战争;一场人类加速对抗自然的战争。 |
Yet in time the rough edges were smoothed and everybody benefited.
但最终粗糙的边缘被抚平,每个人都从中获益。 |
Yet ink on paper is lacking in one of the essential traits of computer displays: instantaneous erasure and reuse, millions of times without wearing out.
不过,电脑萤幕有一项基本特质:随时可以删除再重写,而且反覆几百万次也不会磨损──这是纸上油墨所不及的。 |