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Desmids A group of green algae of the phylum GAMOPHYTA that are basically single-celled but in some species form filamentous or irregular colonies.

Desk top front edge is postformed to a wedge shape and the back edge is rounded.Left and right edges use thick PVC edging. 此系列枱配以前鸭践嘴型后半圆枱面,左右两边以同色的胶封边,整齐美观。
Desk-lunches are OK sometimes, but it's not good for your health to do it everyday. 偶尔吃一吃办公桌午餐是可以的,不过每天都这么吃就会对你的健康不利。
Desks are different from tables. 书桌与桌子不一样。
Desks, chairs, lockers (40.5 cm in length and width, and 155 cm in height in principle), lockable file cabinet for storage of documents, air conditioner and direct-dialing telephones shall be furnished in the office. 办公室应备桌椅、衣柜(其尺寸以长、宽、高各为四○、四五及一五五公分为原则)及能加锁存放报表、文件之档案柜、空调设施及直拨电话。
Desktop publishing or (DTP) has one main function page layout, the creation of attractive pages of text and graphics, for print magazines, posters, newsletters etc. all created on a computer. 桌面出版系统(DTP)是对文字和图像进行编排并出版印刷品杂志、海报、时事通讯等主要手段。其中一切都是在电脑中实现的。
Desmids A group of green algae of the phylum GAMOPHYTA that are basically single-celled but in some species form filamentous or irregular colonies. 鼓藻:绿藻门鼓藻科的一类植物。藻体为单细胞或群体,群体呈球状或丝状。
Desmond : No really, he came in and out of the hotel bar about twenty minutes ago. 德斯蒙:不是玩笑,是真是,他大约二十分钟之前在旅馆酒吧间进进出出。
Desmond: Someone said he's here for an advertising shoot. 德斯蒙:有人说他在这里拍广告。
Desobry focuses mainly on export to Europe, America and the Far East. 丹卓饼干主要出口于欧洲,美国和远东地区。
Desolation is left in the city And the gate is battered to ruins. 赛24:12城中只有荒凉、城门拆毁净尽。
Despair and anguish fled (from) the struggling soul. 绝望和痛苦离开了挣扎中的灵魂。

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