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They argue that enhanced transportation links will accelerate a trend of Han-led economic development and smother Tibet's ancient spiritual culture, while undermining the pristine natural environment of its highlands.

They aren't of good quality. 它们布具有好的质量。
They aren't so keen to tell people that they would be working on something altogether more interesting or ambitious if only their funders had the imagination and courage to fund it, because that's a quick way to lose funding even for unambitious work. 他们不那么热衷于告诉人们,他们还有更有意义、更有雄心壮志的项目可以研究,那么他们的基金评委们可能会有想象力和勇气去发现它,那是失去资助不那么有雄心壮志的研究的一条快速途径。
They aren't students, are they? 他们不是学生,是吗?
They aren't university students.I go to work in the train station information desk. 回复:汉译英:他们不是大学生。我在火车站问讯处上班。
They argue that American savings data are distorted by the top 20% of the population. 他们辨称,美国储蓄数据被总人口中最富有的那20%的人所扭曲了。
They argue that enhanced transportation links will accelerate a trend of Han-led economic development and smother Tibet's ancient spiritual culture, while undermining the pristine natural environment of its highlands. 青藏铁路的建成是中国开发辽阔且贫穷西部的里程碑,青藏铁路不仅会增加进藏人数,也将为闭塞的西藏带来繁荣和财富。
They argue that if there are no cigarette advertisement on TV, no cigarettes available everywhere, and no adequate pocket money, teenagers are unlikely to take up the habit of smoking. 他们认为:如果电视上没有香烟广告,香烟不是到处可买得到,孩子的零用钱不是很多的话,青少年不太可能染上吸烟的习惯。
They argue that profits in America, for example, are at a 40-year high as a percentage of GDP precisely because capital is winning at the expense of labour. 例如,他们宣称:在美国,利润占国内生产总值的比例已经达到40年的最高,这完全是因为资本费用超过了劳动力费用。
They argue that regimes come and go, that political issues are always transient, and that the Olympic spirit is transcendent. 他们争辩说,正权总是像走马灯那样更迭,政治问题总是朝生夕逝的,只有奥林匹克精神才是永存的。
They argue that the figures fail to give the full alarming picture. 他们认为这些数据未成完全反应当前紧急的形势。
They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city. (他们表示,委员会成员并未反映这座城市的种族结构。)

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