At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and Rhineland.
约公元前2000年,从现在的荷兰和莱茵兰来了宽口陶器人。 |
At about 3AM, I was drunk as a skunk.
大约半夜3点钟,我像个酒鬼一样喝地烂醉。 |
At about 4 pm, we were close to the bit mound for preventing flood; we bought food and water at a bower.
走到4点过快到防洪大堤了,在一个凉亭补充了食物和水。 |
At about 6 to 7 weeks the first vaccinations are given.
在6到7周的时候,接种第一次疫苗。 |
At about 6 weeks , they are eating fully on their own and can be fully weaned away from their mother.
到了6周大,它们已经可以完全断奶并自行进食。 |
At about 6:00am, guided by the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center, the return capsule of Shenzhou 5 entered China's air space.
早晨6点左右,在北京航天指挥控制中心的指挥下,“神舟”五号航天飞船的返回舱进入中国领空。 |
At about 75 centimetres or 30-34 inches, the flightless Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis) was the largest of the auks.
大约75厘米高(30-34英吋),不能飞的大海雀是所有海雀中最大型的一种。 |
At about 8.30 a.m. local time Thursday, the entire group flew out of Tehran on board a regularly scheduled British Airways flight to London, the Associated Press reported.
美联社报道说,在本地时间大约早上8:30的时候,整个被捕人员会搭乘英国航空公司一定期航班飞离德黑兰回到伦敦。 |
At about 8:30 at night, the once defiant 66-year-old former dictator was found hiding in a small hole, near a farmhouse about 15 kilometers south of his hometown, Tikrit.
晚上8点半左右,一度飞扬跋扈的66岁前伊拉克独裁者在距离他的家乡提克里特南部大约15公里的农舍附近的一个坑洞中被发现。 |
At about midnight he came downstairs to the sitting-room where Miss Betsey was waiting impatiently.
大约午夜时分,医生下楼来到客厅,贝茜小姐已经等得很不耐烦了。 |
At about this time, my first book was published, and was a great success.
这期间,我的第一本书问世,而且十分成功。 |