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Many historians believe that the history of India subcontinent experienced darkness in the Middle Ages, and the only light was Xuan Zang.

Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
Many high school students are swimming against the tide, they don't pay attention to their studies but playing tricks on their teachers instead. 译文:许多高中学生逆潮流而行,他们没有把注意力放在学习上,而捉弄老师。
Many highly trained workers ended up on skid row during the recession. 很多训练精良的工人在经济萧条时结果落到贫民窟了。
Many highway accidents can be averted by courtesy. 互相礼让,便可避免公路上的许多交通事故。
Many hip-hop artists now own clothing lines and the clothes have been shown on many international fashion shows, thus bringing it into a new level. 许多嘻哈的艺术工作者现在都拥有自己风格的服装,且这些型态的服装纷纷出现在许多国际的流行服饰展,也因此带动了嘻哈进入一个新的时代。
Many historians believe that the history of India subcontinent experienced darkness in the Middle Ages, and the only light was Xuan Zang. 历史学家认为,中世纪印度次大陆的历史一片黑暗,玄奘是唯一的光芒。
Many home enterprises do not know clearly about the importance of marketing, which is the basic of enterprise profit, so we fall behind because we have less sense on it. 不管任何时候,企业营销的大旗是不能倒的,因为这是保证企业获得利润的根本,但是国内很多企业似乎还没有清醒的意识到这一点。
Many home schoolers are located in areas with no viable private or parochial school alternatives. 很多居家自学学生所在的地段没有合适的私人或教会学校可供选择。
Many homeowners, for example, are making the most of the low interest rate environment by refinancing to trim their payments or shorten their term. Some are downsizing to smaller pads. 许多屋主,例如,尽量利用低利息的率环境,更改他们的房屋抵押贷款支付金额或宿短支付期限。有些减少到很少的钱。
Many homeroom teachers have been trying their best to design activities related to their UOI learning and working closely with students. 许多班主任都尽了最大的努力设计与UOI学习相关的活动,与学生亲密无间地合作。
Many honestly believed that the railroad would prove to be impractical and uneconomical and would not provide service as dependable as that of the waterways. 许多人深信铁路运输不切实际、浪费资源,也不会提供像水路运输那样可靠的服务。

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