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Living in Dublin, Caithleen has fallen in love with Eugene Gaillard.

Living half the time in Oxford and half in Paris makes me feel quite schizophrenic. 我有一半时间住在牛津, 一半时间住在巴黎, 弄得我晕头转向.
Living here can't compare with living in Shanghai. 在这儿生活不能和在上海(生活)相比。
Living in China is no longer with a life; existence gives way to nothingness; passing time and prolong physical existence supersedes the distinct human yearning for meaning and spiritual fulfillment; functions of body cavities replaces function of human b 在中国存活的人们并没有真正的生命;存在被虚无窒息了;混日子与寻求长生不老淹没了人对生命意义的追求和对精神满足的渴望;人身洞穴的生理活动压倒了人类头脑的功能;教育成为了制造一代又一代「精忠报国」的政府奴隶的手段;这些皇权的奴隶们既没有独立精神,更没有创造能力;「脸「,「皮」,「钱」与「权力」早已成为「中国人「的定义。
Living in China provides fresh and extensive information to foreigners and white collars with shopping, entertainment and travelling tips in China. 《生活在中国》为准备来华及已经在华的外籍人士及国内高级白领提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱等生活信息。
Living in China, I find that one of the things I miss most is watching my high school and college teams play other schools' teams each Saturday afternoon. 来到中国,我发现最怀念的事情之一就是在国内时每星期六下午看我中学母校与大学母校的校队与其他校队比赛。
Living in Dublin, Caithleen has fallen in love with Eugene Gaillard. 由于住在都柏林,凯色林与宜真高兰,坠入爱河。
Living in New Orleans had become too difficult for him, considering his needs and the necessity to care for his father, and he wanted Pointe du Lac. 对他来说,呆在新奥尔良变得非常困难,考虑到他的需要和对他父亲的照顾,他想要普都拉。
Living in a big city has many advantages, such as good schools, libraries, and theaters. 住在大都市有很多好处,像是好的学校,图书馆及戏院。
Living in a big city has many advantages. 住在大都市里好处多多。
Living in a big city is for the birds. 住在大城市里一点也不好。
Living in a cloister. 隐居的住在修道院里的

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