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Now let us turn to the linguistic aspects.

Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever. 9现在他们当从我面前远除邪淫和他们君王的尸首,我就住在他们中间直到永远。
Now let us go into the scientific “Peachblossom Garden” to have a talk while walking, ok? 现在,就让我们到科学的“桃花园”里边走边聊,好吗?
Now let us play hide and seek. 让我们玩捉迷藏吧。
Now let us see what page 534 has in store for us. 「现在我们看看第534页都说了些什麽。」
Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul, oversoul and source, along with the Earth Mother and nature kingdoms. 现在,让我们静静地坐着,调谐向我们的灵魂、超灵和源头,以及地球母亲和自然界王国。
Now let us turn to the linguistic aspects. 让我们转到语言方面。
Now let's act . I want you in your group. One act as a animal and do the action. one ask, then the animal answers. 学生在小组中通过角色扮演,达到自主学习,并且通过合作,让学生互教互学,学会合作)。
Now let's come to the third paragraph of the text. 现在让我们来讲课文的第三段。
Now let's come to this year's trade between us. 现在让我们谈今年两国间的贸易。
Now let's count over again. (现在让我们再来数一次。)
Now let's do morning exercises. 现在,让我们来做早操。

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