A dog has a good nose.
狗有好的嗅觉。 |
A dog has a good sense of smell.
狗的嗅觉很灵敏. |
A dog is a faithful animal.
狗是忠实的动物。 |
A dog is a vertebrate animal .
狗是脊椎动物。 |
A dog is a vertebrate animal.
狗是脊椎动物。 |
A dog is not in place in church.
教堂不是狗呆的地方。 |
A dog is not only a man's best friend. According to this picture, it seems like they can be anyone's best friend.
一只狗不只是男人最好的朋友了…按照这张照片.狗狗会是我们所有人最好的朋友.大家来养狗狗叭!! |
A dog may be lightly sabled, with just a scattering of black-tipped hairs over the withers, to one who is so heavily sabled that from a distance he almost appears black.
犬的毛色可能是浅貂色,肩部的毛发梢为黑色成散射状分布,而深貂色的几乎成黑色。 |
A dog of an old breed developed in Scotland, related to and resembling the greyhound but taller and larger and having a wiry coat. It was originally bred for hunting deer.
猎鹿犬苏格兰培育的一个古老品种的猎犬,形态象灵提,但较高较大,有一身硬直的皮毛,最初常用于猎鹿 |
A dog on the run snarled air traffic at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix.
一条狂奔的狗使凤凰城空港机场陷入一片混乱。 |
A dog on the run trotted air traffic at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix.
一条到急速跑动的狗阻碍了菲尼克斯天空港机场飞机升降。 |