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According to the analysis of cash flows structure, enterprise ability to pay debt, liquidity, ability to obtain cash, earning quality and enterprise ability to develop, investors can know the liquidity of enterprise assets, judge enterprise financial posi

According to the analyses of the visco-elastic and visco-plastic rheological properties of grey silt-like soft soils in Yingkou district, the author interpreted that tyey show different rheological proprties as time and stress level changed. 基于营口地区淤泥技粉质粘土的粘弹性及粘塑性流变特性,指出二者随时间和应力水平的变化表现出不同的流变特性。
According to the analyses on number of sandstorms days, the following results are noted: On the whole of Tarim basin, annual frequency of sandstorm reduced from 1961 to 2000; The most frequently occurred region of sandstorm is in the east and south Tarim 结果表明:塔里木盆地沙尘暴日数从60年代至90年代,总的趋势是在波动中下降的,高发年代多在20世纪70年代和80年代,90年代沙尘暴的发生明显减少;塔里木盆地沙尘暴天气发生的日数有2个明显的高发区,即以喀什、阿图什的塔东地区和以策勒、和田为中心的塔南地区;塔里木盆地沙尘暴天气对于新疆地区气候的变化响应显著,与平原区的降水和温度相关性较好。
According to the analysis and informative extraction of the last remnant perioddefined in the paper, this paper presents an improved model of period superposition forecasting. 针对该模型中用方差分析方法无法处理而舍弃的最终残余系列,提出了最终余波概念及相应的分析方法,实现了对最终余波的信息挖掘利用。
According to the analysis for different description in substitute method for definite integral in the calculus text book, it found some description is too rigorous for the substitute function conditions, which binders the application. 摘要通过对现行高等数学教材中定积分换元法的不同表述的分析,认为有些表述对替换函数的限制条件过于严格,并以例题加以说明之。
According to the analysis made by Blood Transfusing Center, the blood of Taiwanese is too oily, and high cholesterin and triglyceride are the most common problems among middle-aged people, which is a potential crsis to health. 根据捐血中心的分析,台湾人的血几乎都「太油」了,胆固醇与三酸甘油脂过高更是中年人最普遍的问题,对健康将是一大隐忧。
According to the analysis of cash flows structure, enterprise ability to pay debt, liquidity, ability to obtain cash, earning quality and enterprise ability to develop, investors can know the liquidity of enterprise assets, judge enterprise financial posi 通过对现金流量的结构、企业的偿债能力、支付能力、获取现金的能力、收益质量、企业发展能力等方面各主要指标的分析,可以了解企业资产的流动性,判断和正确评价企业的财务状况,预测企业未来的现金流量,帮助投资者进行正确的理性投资。
According to the analysis of dynamic characteristics of these seismic soil-layer structures, it was proposed that failure functions of foundation caused by strong earthquakes included liquefaction, seismic fissure filling, vibration falling, fracturing an 根据这些强烈地震成因土层构造的动力学特徵进行分析,认为强烈地震对地基土的破坏作用有几种方式:液化作用、地震裂隙充填作用、振动塌落作用、断裂破坏作用和震沉陷落作用。
According to the analysis of experiment on crack resistance of jetted piles under different pre-stress, it is concluded that the problem of cracks of pre-stressed jetted piles can be solved under proper adjustment of pre-stress. 摘要通过在不同预应力作用下水冲桩抗裂性能试验分析,提出对预应力做相应调整,能够解决预应力水冲桩裂缝问题。
According to the analysis of newly-compiled 1:2000000 gravity and magnetic data, there exist three (eastern, central and western) deep tectonic areas in northern China, which are hounded in the east by Helan Mountain-Liupan Mountain-Longmen Mountain line 摘要根据新编制的1:200万重磁资料分析,中国北部深层存在东、中、西3个构造区,其东界在贺兰山-六盘山-龙门山一线,西界在星星峡-若羌一线。
According to the analysis of t he man-machine-environment system of the face No. 9723 at Majiagou mine in Kai lu an, effective measures for enhancing the reliability and production capacity of this system are discussed. 结合开滦马家沟矿9723工作面人-机-环境系统分析,探讨了提高系统可靠性和生产能力的有效途径。
According to the analysis of the flavor and sensory perception of dairy products, different kinds of dairy essence can be created by compounding over-dose of some trace monomer component. 摘要根据对奶类制品的香气分析和感官感知,对一些微量单体原料用过度剂量的调配方法配制不同的奶类香精。

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