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The events of that evening speak for themselves.

The events here are fuzzy, but it seems to have gotten loose from the mines, because several people say it cast a shadow over Lórien. 这儿的事件扑朔迷离,不过它(指伯洛格)似乎是从(矮人的)矿坑(矮人挖的也不是金矿)跑出来的,因为好些人都说到降临到萝林上的阴影。
The events in the cockpit failed to conform to standard operating procedures, the Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) said. 飞行事故调查局说,驾驶舱里所发生的事情未能遵守“标准的操作程序”。
The events left their stamp on his mind. 这些事件深深铭刻在他的心里。
The events of 9/11 were commemorated from coast to coast, from religions services in metropolitan cathedrals to makeshift memorials in small towns. 美国全国各地都举行了纪念9·11死难者的活动,其中有在大教堂里举行的宗教纪念仪式,也有在小镇临时纪念馆里举行的纪念活动。
The events of Asa's reign, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. 11亚撒所行的事、自始至终、都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上。
The events of that evening speak for themselves. 那天晚上发生的事情不用说也很清楚.
The events provide one of the precious few venues for same-sex couples to participate in activities like figure skating and ballroom dancing without enduring jeers or sideways glances. 运动会专门从为数不多的几所高档场馆中选出一所,作为花样滑冰和交际舞此类比赛的场地,以防这些同性伴侣们受到嘲笑或遭白眼。
The events should be FULLY self sufficient and funded via registration fees. 该活动应该完全自给自足的并且是要透过注册费来提供资金。
The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks. 酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的.
The events that transpired after September 11 have had a huge impact on the American psyche. 九一一事件后所发生的种种,都在美国人的精神面造成相当大的冲击。
The events turned manager Joe Torre's tone uncharacteristically testy, who called the play sadand a jokewhile saying that the Yankees wished Abreu at least could have determined his own fate. 这个事件让我们的托瑞爷爷异常的火大,他称这个判决为”可悲的””笑话”,而在同时,他说洋基希望至少阿伯可以决定自己的命运。

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