In addition to providing anti-oxidant activity, the Natural Shiitake Complex has been shown in scientific testing to block the production of harmful proteins that can cause collagen breakdown.
香菇萃取不仅提供抗氧化效力,经研究正式还可以防止会阻击皮肤胶原蛋白的物质的产生。 |
In addition to providing over 5,000 leadership positions and delivering over 350 conferences, AIESEC also runs an exchange program that enables over 4,000 students and recent graduates the opportunity to live and work in another country.
除每年提供5000多个领导职位并举办350多个会议,AIESEC同样运行国际青年人才交流计划,每年为4000多名学生及新近毕业生提供前往海外进行实习工作的机会。 |
In addition to providing shade, plants can assist cooling by transpiration. Plants also enhance the visual environment and create pleasant filtered light.
额外的当提供遮阳时,植被可以通过蒸发作用产生凉爽。植被也能提高周围的适应环境和产生舒适的过率光线。 |
In addition to providing theoretical instruction and practical training, the Department also hopes to instill a concept of journalistic ethics as well, in the hope that students will be able to fulfill the mission and responsibilities of a media professio
除了传授理论、训练实务之外,也灌输新闻伦理与道德的观念,期使同学日后都能承担社会传播的使命与责任。 |
In addition to pursuing scientific research, Hoorn currently reports on new oil and gas exploration and production technologies for Shell in Rijswijk, the Netherlands.
除了从事科学研究之外,何恩现在也撰写荷兰的壳牌石油公司在石油与天然气新地点探勘以及制造技术方面的报告。 |
In addition to radioactive water, it's now emerged that radioactive gas has escaped and the drums containing radioactive waste burst open during the quake.
除了含辐射物的废水,目前有信息披露在地震中有放射性气体泄漏和罐装放射性废料爆裂。 |
In addition to rapping, these“battles”often contained groups of breakdancers, who would try to outdo each other with increasingly daring and acrobatic moves.
除了饶舌歌,这些“较量”也包括街头舞者间的比试,他们做出一个比一个大胆、高难度的舞蹈动作,来和对方一比高下。 |
In addition to real landscapes, ads began featuring real cowboys.
除了真实的风景,广告里也有了真人牛仔作主人公。 |
In addition to resisting the temptation to indulge in smoking, Aniston also managed to refrain from caffeine.
除了克制烟瘾外,安妮斯顿还试图戒掉咖啡因饮料。 |
In addition to revealing Earth's slightly slimmer silhouette, the results reveal that the Pacific seafloor is the most restless place on the planet, traveling to the northwest by around two inches (five centimeters) a year.
除了地球轮廓变得稍窄以外,结果还显示太平洋海底是地球上最活跃的地方,每年大约向西北挺进两英寸(五厘米)。 |
In addition to revealing the evolution of those theories, this essay has summed up other six theories of linguistic gender: bio-decision theory, defect theory, control theory, difference theory, the theory of mass-organizational practice, and performance
本文旨在揭示这些理论的发展,并总结出了六种语言性别理论:生物决定论、缺陷论、支配论、差异论、社团实践论和表演论。 |