The author has fueled controversy himself by remaining a reclusive figure who has refused to comment on his work or publish anything further.
这些争议因为作者始终保持隐遁的姿态、拒绝对本书发表评论或进一步出版其它作品而变得更加激烈。 |
The author has probe into the tourism consume trend of Guangzhou residents by questionnaire.
摘要作者通过问卷调查来研究广州市常住居民的旅游消费倾向。 |
The author hold that pure science is primarily about the development of theories which are called models.
作者认为,理论科学主要涉及那些一般称为模式的学说的发展。 |
The author holds that Popper's falsificationism methodology has exerted an important influence on decision-making science in both the basic theory of decision-making science and the method of decision-making science by comparing falsificationism methodolo
本文通过波普尔证僞主义方法论与决策科学的比较,认爲无论在决策科学的基础理论方面还是在决策科学的方法上,证僞主义方法论对决策科学都産生了重要的影响。 |
The author holds that a pre-test training may help examinees familiarize themselves with testing procedure, acquire a knowledge of phonetics, have an understanding of test criteria and their own pronunciation, enhance their confidence in themselves, impro
笔者认为可通过考前培训帮助应试者熟悉考试程序,掌握一定的语音知识,对测试标准和自身的语音面貌有所认识,增强应试者的自信心和心理承受能力,缓解他们的紧张和焦虑,在测试中取得理想成绩。 |
The author holds that immortality in essence is a kind of regenerative way impending in revealing, namely, the regenerative way in which mortals exist towards infinite horizon.
神仙实质上是一种在启示中临在的再生方式,即终有一死者朝向无限之境域生存的再生方式。 |
The author holds that in the vigorous development of urban rail transit, China shall inherit and develop the tradional culture with might and main, which will help to enhance the cultural standing of China in the world, and make urban rail transit a new d
在日益蓬勃发展的我国轨道交通事业当中,大力提倡对传统文化的继承和发扬,不仅有利于加强中国在世界上的文化地位,也将使轨道交通成为新文化的载体,发挥出更完善的多元化功能。 |
The author holds that railway shall find its position mainly in inter-city railways or suburban railways, which requires early planning, goad project, goad opportunity, aggressive attitude and prudence decision as well.
铁路参与城市交通的重点应放在区域交通和市郊铁路上,要早规划,遴选好项目,把握好时机,态度要积极,决策要审慎。 |
The author holds that teacher training should be practice-oriented, that is, let the teachers focus on and research into practical teaching.
摘要教师培训应该走向教学实践,引导教师关注和研讨课堂教学问题。 |
The author holds that the assimilation of musical aesthetics and emotion has established the spiritual home for human beings.
认为正是音乐审美与情感的交融渗透构筑了人类的精神家园。 |
The author holds that the awareness of issues, interrelationship, intergrowth and development should he built, which has much significance on solving the problem of some concept, category and method in Chinese literary theories separated from the current
那么,树立问题意识、间性意识、共生意识、发展意识等学术意识,对解决中国文艺理论的某些概念、范畴和方法与当下文艺实践脱节的问题,有效地把中国传统文论的资源转化为当代文论建设的因素,确立中国本土的问题意识、在中国语境下合理地吸收利用外国文论资源等都有着重要的意义。 |