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You are so indulged in your insistence of imbalance and own laziness that you cannot see the skill these players possess.

You are so deeply impressed. 你的印象如此之深。
You are so far from the topic. 你谈得离题太远了。(你扯得太远了。)
You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。
You are so great to make a rapid progress in studies ! 你的学业进步很快,你真棒!
You are so hard for your beauty look. (Supplement: Pumpy made up like a queen of Egypt, doesn't it scare you? 美丽是妳终身的志愿,辛苦你了!(补充:厕纸妹化了妆,系咪好吓人呢?
You are so indulged in your insistence of imbalance and own laziness that you cannot see the skill these players possess. 你太沉溺于你对不平衡的坚持和你对其他玩家所拥有技巧的视而不见了。
You are so kind-hearted that you always give me a hand when I am in danger. 你心肠真好, 总是在我危困时帮助我。
You are so kindly, give so much happy to the other, I love you my baby! 你是多么善良友好啊,给别人带去了那么多的快乐!我爱你,孩子!
You are so lucky;the ball just clipped the table. 你真幸运,球刚好擦到桌边。
You are so romantic. You must be a Sagittarius. 你真浪漫。你肯定是人马座的。
You are so ugly that smashing your face will only improve your looks. 你实在太丑了,把你的脸打碎只会让你变得好看些。

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