The arguments that creationists use are typically specious and based on misunderstandings of (or outright lies about) evolution, but the number and diversity of the objections can put even well-informed people at a disadvantage.
创造论者使用的论证,一般而言都似是而非,而且源自对演化的误解,或者信口胡说,但是他们提出的反对意见,不仅数量多,而且五花八门,就算熟悉演化论的人也不易招架。 |
The aria of Hebei Bangzi combines the folkways and rhythms in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, stouthearted and unvarnished, full of the verve in these areas.
河北梆子唱腔集京、津、冀的民风音韵为一体,刚毅质樸,颇具燕赵之气。 |
The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past.
那个贵族执著于他过去的荣耀。 |
The arithmetic coding data compression method is very well-known.
算术编码数据压缩方法是非常著名的。 |
The ark-shaped dwellings so resemble ships that some anthropologists believe that these mountain people may have a seafaring past.
这些船形屋实在太象船了,因此一些人类学家相信这些山地人以前曾经有航海的历史。 |
The arm and shoulder rotation stretch warms up the muscle that surrounds the shoulder jointed the body. These muscles are used continuously during swimming.
手臂和肩膀的旋转伸展动作帮助肩部及其联接躯干的肌肉群充分热身。游泳时将连续不停的运用这些肌肉。 |
The arm entry should conserve momentum from the out-of-water movement pattern.
胳膊整体应该保持出水时的动作。 |
The arm is just one segment of the body that should be uncoiling.
手臂只是应该不盘绕的身体的一个片段。 |
The arm recovery accelerates and the hand drives forward into the water while the opposite hand pushes back achieving maximum hand velocity and propulsion.
当对侧手向后推水,达到最快的划水速度和最大推进力的时候,移臂开始加速,驱动手掌前伸入水。 |
The arm rest on the door loaded the abdomen and the door trim below the arm rest loaded the pelvis.
门上搁臂处碰到了腹部,搁臂处下的门下缘碰到了骨盆。 |
The arm with self-locking device, easy for adjust, more safety.
设有托臂自锁装置,调整方便,使用安全. |