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You must think better of it.

You must take your pill on the hour. 你必须在整点时服药。
You must talk less and do more. 一定要少说空话,多做工作。
You must tell Mark not to pick on me. 你必须告诉马克不要挑我的毛病。
You must tell her what happened. 你绝不能把发生的事情告诉她。
You must think I was born yesrerday if you think I'd believe that phony excuse! 你一定认为我很容易上当,如果你认为我会相信那个假借口的话!
You must think better of it. 你要重新考虑一下它吧。
You must think better of your plan. 你必须再好好考虑一下你的计画。
You must think twice before you take this step. 你在走这一步之前,应当三思。
You must thoroughly understand the characteristics and capacity of the truck and never overload it. 必须弄清卡车的特性和容量不要过载。
You must throw away the fearful memory from your brain. 你必须在头脑中去除这些可怕的记忆。
You must tip roller with refractory coating before use. 使用前应在辊棒表面均匀涂上耐火涂层。

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