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If the future housing price is expected to rise, the owner-occupied housing demand of an individual with a high non-capital income and a low bequest motive would be increased.

If the full rental amount has not been paid by Party B within 10 days of its due date, then Party A reserves the right to charge interest from the fifteenth day after the due date (or such later date which is 7 calendar days after written notice by Party 若乙方在付款日后的十天内仍未将租金付清,甲方有权在第十一天起(或自甲方向乙方发出催款通知书起七个工作日后),每天收取相当月租金的1%的利息,计人民币元,直至租金付清。
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the hook procedure. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. 如果方法执行成功,返回钩子子程的句柄。如果失败,返回空。
If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in TCHARs, of the string copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character. 这个函数不会拷贝最后一个0,所以需要初始化一下,或者根据长度自己写最后一个0.
If the function, such as string replacement function, accepts both arrays and single characters as arguments, and if your argument list is not too long, consider writing a few redundant replacement statements, passing one character at a time, instead of o 一些函数,比如字符串替换函数,接受数组和单个字符做为参数,并且如果你的参数列表不是很长,考虑写一些冗余替换语句,每次传送一个字符,代替一行代码接受数组做为查找和替换的参数。
If the fundamentals of the company haven't changed, there's usually no reason to do anything except consider buying more if the price has fallen with the market. 如果上市公司的基础根本没有发生动摇,那么假如这些公司的股票随着股市的下跌而降价,你尽可以趁机多吃进一些,此外大可不必有任何其他行动。
If the future housing price is expected to rise, the owner-occupied housing demand of an individual with a high non-capital income and a low bequest motive would be increased. 对于具有高额的非资本所得及低遗赠动机的个人而言,当预期未来价格上升时,其目前的自有房屋需求会增加。
If the future of Kosovo is settled satisfactorily later this year, the prospects for Albania should brighten. 如果科索沃问题能够在今年晚些时候圆满解决,阿尔巴尼亚的发展前途仍然是光明的。
If the gain is solely due to rising energy prices, then inflation should subside when energy prices level out. 如果获利是因为能源价格上涨,在不考虑能源价格的情况下,通货膨胀就会消失。
If the game of weichi is extended to include the world, there is yet a third form of encirclement as between us and the enemy, namely, the interrelation between the front of aggression and the front of peace. 如果把世界性的围棋也算在内,那就还有第三种敌我包围,这就是侵略阵线与和平阵线的关系。
If the gap remains, I can see the problems occurring. 不幸的是,在科索沃和世界其他地方正在发生战事。
If the gas was that scorching, how could it stay confined to such a small spot? 假如那种烈焰是由气体所构成的,怎麽会被限制在如此小的区域呢?

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