LL: I'm not very good at sticking to a budget. I always like to have some wiggle room in my budget for extra expenses.
我知道,规定自己一个月花多少钱是很难遵守的,总有要额外买些东西的时候。所以我总给自己留一些余地,免得到时候没有没办法。 |
LL: I'm so tired that I don't think it will be a problem. I could probably sack out now and not wake up until tomorrow morning.
那当然啦,半夜两点才睡觉,早上肯定不想起床。如果你现在回家睡觉,那你今晚还睡得着吗? |
LL: I've been out running. I'm trying to burn all this flab on my stomach!
噢!原来你刚才是去跑步啦,怪不得一身都是汗。哎,你还说你是要燃烧掉什么?哎!该不是要靠锻炼来去掉你身上多余的脂肪吧? |
LL: I've thought about it, but I don't want to get into an argument with them. I've even thought about calling the landlord.
你不想和他们吵,所以你还没说啊?或许你说的对,先和你的房东谈谈,让他去告诉你的邻居。 |
LL: If he does, you can give me a call and I'll come over and tell him to put a lid on it myself.
你别担心我啦。那个人要是再来找麻烦,我就直接找我的老板去和他谈喽! |
LL: If that's what floats your boat, then it's fine with me.
好,没问题。那我们星期六晚上6点半在餐厅见喽! |
LL: If the paper is in English, Li Hua, I can help you tweak it by reading it after we get back tonight.
我下个星期要在研讨会上宣读一篇论文。论文是写完了,但我还要作一些修改。 |
LL: It is a Mexican restaurant. Mexican food is some of my favorite grub.
你喜欢吃墨西哥饭?我怎么不知道。对不起,我可不喜欢吃墨西哥饭。我们能不能去别的餐馆呢? |
LL: It is my pleasure. I am always glad to help a friend in a pinch.
我们都知道你是乐于帮助朋友解决困难的。好,现在要想办法解决你的问题了。 |
LL: It really isn't. We would have to spend megabucks buying lottery tickets to even have a small chance of winning.
我就知道嘛,这种机会是很小的。即便花好多钱去买好多彩票,我们也不见得会赢。与其这么毫无希望地等着中彩票还不如我们自己去赚大钱呢。 |
LL: It's hard to enjoy the day with such noisy kids around. I'm considering going over there myself and telling them to cool it.
就是啊,那些孩子在那里鬼吼鬼叫好一会儿了。他们的爸妈到底听见了没?怎么不好好管教自己的孩子呢? |