They are experienced in handling problems and ensuring the products are focus on the most effective and economical way to meet the industrial market needs.
他们经验丰富、技术全面,保证产品能在最有效及最经济的前题下迎合工业市场需要。 |
They are exploring every possibility for the treatment of AIDS.
他们正探讨治疗爱滋病的每一种可能性。 |
They are extensively used for such articles in international trade, and insurance companies can have no occasion to refuse indemnification on such grounds.
国际贸易中广泛使用硬纸板箱包装这类商品,保险公司根本不可能以这个为理由来拒绝赔偿。 |
They are extravagant and overindulgent, so have plenty of good wine on hand.
一定要有足够的好酒才能让他们淋漓尽致地发挥自己的长处哦。 |
They are extremely sensitive to the weight given to different criteria by the Swiss-based think-tank.
世界经济论坛对不同指标赋予的权重,会严重影响排名状况。 |
They are extremely strong but I have the feeling that we've played head to head with them in that sector.
虽然他们真的很强壮,但我们还是敢于在篮底和他们有近距离的接触。 |
They are extremely valuable for gun or rocket runs in a low-threat environment.
这对低威胁环境中进行射击极具价值。 |
They are faced with many economic problems.
他们面临许多经济问题。 |
They are facing opposition from nationalist lawmakers, who form a majority in the house.
他们面临国家主义立法者的反对,这些人在议会中占多数。 |
They are facing serious difficulties.
他们正面临严重的难关。 |
They are far ahead militarily.
他们在军事上遥遥领先。 |