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Manchester United have been drawn to face Roma again in the Champions League – with the world of football hoping the two clubs can avoid the crowd trouble which marred last season ‘s encounter between the English and Italian giants.

Manchester United footballers are all paid handsomely. 曼联的球员薪水都很丰厚。
Manchester United goalkeeper Ben Foster faces a lengthy period out of the game as he prepares to undergo surgery on his cruciate knee ligament. 曼联门将本.福斯特因为他的膝盖韧带受伤接受手术将却西很长时间的比赛。
Manchester United had been linked with an £11million swoop for striker Owen, 27. 据之前的报道说曼联想以1100万英镑的价格买下欧文。
Manchester United have a loyal following at home and abroad and they enjoy watching some brilliant, world-class football which has brought them great success down the years, including an unprecedented Treble in 1999. 曼联有着忠实的球迷,无论在主场还是在海外,他们享受于欣赏可以给他们带来巨大成功完美的世界级足球演出,包括1999年空前的三冠王。
Manchester United have agreed a provisional date for a testimonial that will bring Roy Keane into contact with Sir Alex Ferguson for the first time since their acrimonious fallout. 曼联和罗伊.基恩初步确定了纪念赛的日期,这将是他们关系破裂后的首次联系。
Manchester United have been drawn to face Roma again in the Champions League – with the world of football hoping the two clubs can avoid the crowd trouble which marred last season ‘s encounter between the English and Italian giants. 冠军联赛中曼联队和罗马队再次被分到同一小组——足球界希望去年两队遭遇时发生在英、意两家超级球队之间的群体冲突事件不再发生。
Manchester United have the opportunity to cut Chelsea's lead at the top to just four points by beating Sunderland on Friday night and Terry is adamant the Blues cannot afford to slip up at the Reebok Stadium. 如果曼联在周五对桑德兰的比赛中获胜那么他们在联赛中与切尔西的差距只有4分,特里认为蓝军周末在锐步球场也不会失利.
Manchester United is delighted to announce that it has agreed terms with Cristiano Ronaldo on a new five year contract keeping him at the club until at least June 2012. 曼彻斯特联队很高兴地宣布,球队和克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多签下一份为期五年的新合同,他将为俱乐部至少效力到2012年六月。
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has reportedly told a question-and-answer session with guests at a charity dinner that his dream signing would be one of Chelsea's top talents. 据说曼联主教练弗格森在一次慈善宴会上与来宾做了一次问答会,在会上他说最想引进切尔西的头等人物之一(马克莱莱)。
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson insists he has no plans of retiring any time soon. 曼联主教练弗格森坚称他不打算这么快就退休。
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson today stormed out of a press conference after claiming the national media have a hatredof the Old Trafford club. 12月13日英超曼联俱乐部举行的例行新闻发布会上,曼联队主教练弗格森终于“爆发”了,怒斥媒体对老特拉福德怀着“一颗憎恨的心”。

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