Generation after generation of people moving about in the wild did pile after pile of things involving man and nature.
一代又一代在原野间走动的人,做了一桩又一桩和人和自然相关的事。 |
Generation after generation, we puzzle out formulas, test them, and find, to an astonishing degree, that nature agrees.
人类经过世世代代的努力,猜想出各种定理公式,并在实践中检验它们,然后惊讶地发现:大自然竟然与我们不谋而合。 |
Generation of electricity that could otherwise be conserved introduces more harmful greenhouse gases and other noxious chemicals into the atmosphere from the powerplants that consume fossil fuels.
比其二氧化碳和其它有害气体的排放,发电厂燃烧煤来发电产生的污染对环境的破坏要更大。 |
Generations of eminent people here have set up a model for university students to grow up independently; the culture of nature and stone-sculpture greatly edify and promote the university students; the modern hydroelectric project of Sanxia is also a favo
三峡历代名人文化为大学生做人成才提供了自强的灵气和成才的范式;三峡山水文化、石刻文化为大学生陶冶性情、提升人格提供了丰饶的营养大餐;三峡现代水电工程文化为培养大学生创新精神与创新能力提供了近水楼台。 |
Generations of selecting for dogs capable of passing a high level performance and social test have naturally created a gene pool better equipped to produce larger percentages of highly trainable, socially adaptable dogs.
通过选择有能力通过高水准的考验和社会化测试的犬只,它们将会自然地创造出一个基因库——可以较好地产生高百分比的可训性高社会适应性强的犬只的基因库。 |
Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。 |
Generations, you function as our dwelling, from days of old forever, you are the Lord GOD the Messiah.
世世代代,你作我们的居所,从亘古到永远,你是耶和华弥赛亚。 |
Generative nuclei The two gametic nuclei formed by the division of the generative cell in the pollen tube of angiosperms.
雄原核:在被子植物花粉管中的生殖细胞(应为雄原核译者注)分裂成两个配子的核。 |
Generator out of operation due to short circuit.
发电机不工作因短路。 |
Generic drugs are cheaper in part because they do an end-run around those trials.
学名药比较便宜,是因为省略了这些测试。 |
Generic pointer type, equivalent to (void *). Should be used instead of LPSTR.
你应该把S强转成你传进来时的那种类型的指针. |