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Within only a spark,a mordern nuclear generator could burst out huge amount of energy,which is severalfold the accumulation of years' hard-work of acient people.

Within months, they were denying that they were breaking up. 几个月前,这对情侣向外界澄清了他们的分手传闻。
Within my first month on the job, I became the top salesperson. 在工作的第一个月,我就成为业绩最好的推销员。
Within my lifetime, the Red Planet has been transformed from a point in the night sky into a land of towering volcanoes, dried-up riverbeds, ancient lakes and windswept lava plains. 在我有生之年,红色行星从夜空中的一点,摇身变成一个世界──充满了高耸火山、乾枯河床、古老湖泊和饱受风袭的熔岩平原。
Within one week, I got acquainted with other teachers and came to realize the concord between teachers. 不到一个星期学校的老师我全都熟识了,这才发现原来老师们相处得都很和谐。
Within one's inheritance there is a distinct pathway one's ancestry fell in consciousness. 在一个人的遗传中,有一条祖先意识下降的清晰路径。
Within only a spark,a mordern nuclear generator could burst out huge amount of energy,which is severalfold the accumulation of years' hard-work of acient people. 中文意思是不是说:现代核电装置只要一瞬间就能产生几倍于古人千年的劳动总和的能量。
Within only one year after graduation from college, he went from a student who pursued his dream to a person who didn't care about a thing. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。
Within our control are our own opinions, aspirations, desires, and the things that repel us. 在我们控制之内的是我们自己的意见、抱负、欲望、以及我们的厌恶。
Within our fixed income portfolios, we continue to see the outlook for US$ longer-dated bonds as unexciting. 定息投资组合方面,我们持续认为美元长期债券的前景并不吸引。
Within polarity all things are always expressed, and this is what these two forms demonstrate. 在极性中,所有事物都得以表达,这是这2种物种所证明的事物。
Within seconds he was back, bearing a dusty bottle and three glasses upon a tray. 几秒钟后他回来了,用托盘端着一只脏兮兮的酒瓶和三只玻璃杯。

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