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To handle it correctly, we must center on economic construction and develop productivity vigorously; promote the reform of political system and expand socialist democracy; perfect socialist legal system; aggrandize the degree to mete out punishment to cor

To guard against complications, it is advisable to print on all price lists the words:“ All prices are subject to change without notice” . 为避免麻烦,报价单上最好写明“如无意外变动,以上报价有效”字样。
To gun-control advocates, this is self-evident madness. 这种言论在反对持枪者的眼里,无疑是不言而喻的疯狂。
To h***e good children one must be a good parent. 要有好孩子自己必须是好父亲(母亲)。
To habituate one's se therefore, to simple and inexpensive diet supplies al that is needful for health, and enables a person to meet the necessary requirements of life without shrinking and it places us in a better condition when we approach at intervals 因此,让我们习惯简单廉价的饮食,这种饮食既能维持健康,满足人们生存的必需不致匮乏,还让我们在有规律的间隔后享受佳肴胃口大开,还不必为钱袋担心。
To handle Billing System. 处理账单系统。
To handle it correctly, we must center on economic construction and develop productivity vigorously; promote the reform of political system and expand socialist democracy; perfect socialist legal system; aggrandize the degree to mete out punishment to cor 正确处理新时期的干群矛盾,必须以经济建设为中心,大力发展生产力;加快政治体制改革,发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制;加大惩治腐败的力度,加强干部队伍建设;加强思想政治工作。
To handle outside gage verification or calibration. 处理计量器具外部检定或校准业务。
To handle renames, we need each object in the repository to have an identifier which never changes, even when the name or location of the item changes. 为了处理重命名,我们需要库中的对每个象有一个是否变更的标示,甚至在文件名和位置变更的时候都有标示。
To handle the quality issue related to hearing aids, amplifiers and material. 处理与助听器、放大板和零部件有关的质量问题。
To handle these cases, the best advice is to contact the hardware vendor in question and request updated drivers or their suggested workaround. 对于这种情况,你最好和硬件制造商联系,要求更新驱动或者按照他们的建议设置工作环境。
To handle this contradiction, they employ specialists to convince couples to create new “traditions”, such as “heirloom ornaments” for members of the bridal party. 为了掩盖这种冲突,他们雇了一些专家来说服新婚夫妇创建一种新“传统”,比如给新娘茶会准备的“祖传饰品”。

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