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With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the wiping out of Rama with atomic weapons, the world collapsed into a stone ageof sorts, and modern history picks up a few thousand years later.

With the burgeoning of Mainland China's economic performance during the past decade, the economic interactions between China and Taiwan have become one of the major concerns in Taiwan. 摘要迩来,面临中国大陆益形蓬勃的经贸发展,两岸经济情势究竟是负面的彼此排挤关系或者是正面的双方互补作用,已经成为国内众所关切的议题。
With the business expansion in Asia Pacific, Mondial Assistance Group established its wholly owned company in China in Y2003. 随着公司业务在亚太地区的不断拓展,蒙迪艾尔集团于2003年在中国建立了其全资子公司。
With the car number increasing rapidly in urban residential district, parking problem is coming out. 摘要随着城市居住小区家用轿车的迅速普及,停车难的问题日趋突出。
With the carbon content of dry ash-free basis increasing, the ignition activation energy increase and the reaction rate fall. 干燥无灰基固定碳含量增加,其着火活化能逐渐升高,反应速率逐渐降低。
With the cartel producing below official limits, analysts said Opec may cut at its next meeting in Nigeria in December. 由于欧佩克产量低于官方限额,分析人士表示,该组织或许会在12月份于尼日利亚举行的下次会议上削减产量。
With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the wiping out of Rama with atomic weapons, the world collapsed into a stone ageof sorts, and modern history picks up a few thousand years later. 由于大变动引起亚特兰提斯岛沉没和罗摩由于原子武器消失了,世界崩溃进入“石器时代”社会,而几千年后现代历史知道这些。
With the celebration of Mother's Day in May, National Geographic Channel is showing one of its all-time favorites, In the Womb. 为了庆祝五月份的母亲节,国家地理频道即将播出最受大家喜爱的节目之一,《子宫内日记》。
With the change and improvement of science knowledge, the irrationalism on the theories of knowledge has been turned from fideism which have blind faith in external authority to the intuitionism trusting internal instinct, but their common point is to neg 摘要科学知识的发展变化与进步,使知识论中非理性主义由中世纪迷信外在权威的信仰主义,转向现代信任内在本能的直觉主义,但其共同点是否定科学知识是人类运用逻辑理性思维的产物,不相信人类理性能够判断真理与谬误。
With the change in temperature, the length of the iron bar has changed. 随着温度的变化,铁棒的长度起了变化。
With the change of the economic foundation, the superstructure has to be transformed too. (随着经济基础的改变,上层建筑也必须改造。)
With the change of the objective, space and technology, the application of bamboo bad changed correspondingly in the aspect of range and quantity and sorts in modern garden. 由于服务对象、空间尺度、技术水平都发生了变化,竹子在现代园林中应用范围、数量、种类、手段等也发生了相应的变化。

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